更新日期:2018/01/01 08:25:31
學習次第 : 進階

喇嘛網 日期:2018/01/01 08:22:25   編輯部 報導

全球首發表..百年進化新經濟主義. 慈善經濟主義新論(十一)陳俊吉著 The world’s first published to shareEvolution of new eco wisdom,New Theory of Charity Economicism (11)Frank Chenwriting 2018.jan.1Taipei  陳俊吉 (FB、 喇嘛網創辦人)

前言:首先主張…慈善經濟主義是消費者生命、生存與分配價值最大化。資本主義市場經濟行為需AI精準計算,完全承擔顧客.利益關係人生命及社會成本的扣除後之利潤最大化。Charity economicism is the life of consumers,survival,maximization of distribution value. There are advocates of the market economic behavior must be completely and accurately AI calculated to bear the customerstakeholders’ p⋯⋯rofit maximization of life and social cost . 


現如何彌補自利價格導向資本主義不同市場結構中獨佔性競爭、寡佔競爭及獨佔。您追求寶貴生命價值及財富分配最小化機會成本。How to make up for self-interest-oriented capitalism in different market stucturesMonpolistic competionOligopoly monopoly.You pursue the value of life and distribution of wealth to minimize the opportunity cost.


首先慈善經濟主義要降低、分散、移轉或隔離資本主義於不同市場結構中,自利價格導向之影響。資本主義以Q=F(P),cet.par P=AR=MR=MC法則建立市場需求量之追求最大利潤之依據。以上乃百年來、資本主義結構性問題,經濟自利行為造成大自然溫室效應,全球氣候無常變遷。自由財陽光、空氣、水與綠色資源,被嚴重汚染,直間接造成現代人與下世代人的食..行生存條件嚴重破壞與身與心無止限傷害.


First of all ,charity economicism should be reduceddecentralizedtransferred and segregated capitalism influenced by self-interest price in different market structures.Capitalism use the Q=F(P),cet .parP=AR=MR=MC law to e⋯⋯stablish the basis for the pursuit of maximum profits in the market demand.

In the past century, capitalist structural problems and self-serving economic activities have not taken into account the external environmental costs of green products, resulting in the greenhouse effect of nature and the global climate change.

The earth is free good of sunshine airwater and green resources are seriously polluted,directly and indirectly caused by modern people and next generation of foodlive and x,the living conditions of serious damage to physical and mental endurance.




The formation of capitalism to maximize negative environmental protection effect of humanity's vital survival (point) off hook and revolutionary amendment.




Capital self-interest structure, the capitalization of enterprises listed on the process, ignoring the decline in the value of organizational staff life and corporate social costs in a variety of reduced items, listed companies, thousands of times the market value, not accurately calculate the deduction of customers, employees and the relationship between interests Life costs, exect life Expenses and Social Costs Actuarial System, Seriously Distorting the Equity of Wealth Distribution and Social Wealth for Everyone, Available Big Data and AI solve this problem. The most important significance of big data and AI is the infinite survival of human life value and the sustainable development and non-destruction of life on earth.




Capitalism is extremely unequal distribution of wealth! Though⋯⋯tful Wall Street Financial Incident in the United States

Decades of capitalist environment and conditions under the capitalism, the world's most famous capitalization of listed companies, ignoring the depreciation of employees overworked life, a very underestimate the professional knowledge .Invisible wisdom in the market simultaneously convert the market value and does not deduct various social costs.Entrepreneurs and employees continue to expand the gap between the wealth.



the world's first to put staff expertise and invisible intelligence combined with big data.Artificial intelligence (AI), real-time dynamic contribution to its value as the company's asset value institutionalized, brain contribution to the market value of listed or Assets have a normal and reasonable value of the proportion of relations.





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