喇嘛網 日期:2018/01/07 NPO  編輯部 報導

慈善企業與資本企業價值活動差異 將大大影響人類生存!

(* Differences in the value activities of charitable and capital enterprises will greatly affect human survival!)
In the macroscopic overall economy, capitalism is the economic system that will destroy the culprit on the earth. We should actively abandon the capitalist inferiority point. The chains of motives of enterprises or countries must be opened. In the 21st century, capital enterprises must accelerate their evolution to a large number of social charities In the future A large number of social enterprises in the world can increase the number of entrepreneurs in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate global responsibility (CGR) for the respect of the world and the continuous improvement of charity by charities.

(2018年…全球網路中英文全球分享)全球首發表⋯慈善經濟主義新論 (七)陳俊吉著 New Theory of Charity Economicism(7) Frank Chen , writings/Edited. Taipei 2017.12.24
⋯誰偷走你寶貴生命?!(Who stole your precious life?!)選擇正確進化經濟智慧(Choose the correct evolution of economic wisdom),改變你的生命永恆價值!(Can change
the eternal value of your life!)。

慈善經濟主義基本理念與行為的假設(Hypothesis of the basic concept and behavior of charity economicism),以永續發展生命生存價值最大化為目的(The purpose of sustainable development of maximization of the value of life for the purpose),生命價值涵蓋範圍有(The value of life Scope):

1‧追求最大化生命生存與精神平衡基本權利 (Pursuit of the fundamental right to maximize the survival of life and spiritual balance or equilibrium)

2‧追求最大化平等教育機會 (Maximize equal educational opportunities)

3‧追求最大化慈善經濟制度(Maximize the charity economic system)

4‧追求最大化慈善經濟權利、自由與機會(Maximize the freedom of opportunity for charitable economic rights)

5‧追求最大化計劃性慈善社會福利制度(Maximize the planned social welfare system)

6‧追求最大化綠色地球永續發展(Maximize sustainable green earth development)

(Pursure to maximize the balance scientific、technological innovation and humanism)

8.追求最大化全球和平(The pursuit of maximizing global peace)

9.追求最大化太空宇宙銀河星系慈愛與和平精神(Pursuit of Maximization of Mercy and Peace in the Cosmic Galaxy)

(pursue spirtitual civilization that Maxine’s the love and wisdom of the world.)

* 慈善經濟主義新論總匯集(2007年-2018年)陳俊吉著 (全球中英文NPO分享)https://www.lama.com.tw/content/Tantric/index2.aspx?id=384
*New Collection of Charity Economicism (2007-2018) Frank Chen (Global NPO Sharing) (2007-2018) Frank Chen (Global NPO Sharing)○百年進化經濟智慧(A hundred years of evolutionary economic wisdom

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