The real key to enhancing your personal productivity is to deliberately plan on doing less, not more.
As counterintuitive as that may sound, you’ll always achieve more if you pare your commitments down to a core group of essential tasks and then focus on doing those core tasks better and ignoring everything else. This is definitely a case where less is more.
So how can you do less but achieve more? It’s really a matter of reprioritizing your work and shifting your focus to the genuinely significant few. This mantra lies at the heart of the “Productivity Workflow Formula”:
「如果你把高產能工作排程法融入自己的人生,你每天就可以為自己省下 90分鐘,用來好好過生活,而不是耗在工作上。如果你現正感覺被工作套牢,這樣說聽起來或許有點奇怪,但是用更少的工作完成更多的成果的確是可能的。你只需要把真正有價值的工作從徒勞無益的雜事中區別出來。」
【Key Thoughts】
“If you incorporate the PWF into your life, you really can save yourself ninety minutes a day that you can use to live your life, instead of working it away. This may sound odd if you feel shackled to your desk now, but it really is possible to get more done while doing less work. You just need to separate the valuable wheat from
the nonproductive chaff.”
– Laura Stack
本期介紹的《高產能工作排程法》(What To Do When There's Too Much To Do)作者馬蘿拉.史戴克(Laura Stack)是專業生產力顧問公司(The Productivity Pro, Inc.)執行長。她在 2011到 2012年間,擔任全美演講人協會主席。是一位備受肯定的生產力專家,專長領域在協助企業發展高績效文化。客戶名單包括星巴克、沃爾瑪超市、 IBM和時代華納集團。她有 5本著作,包括《PQ提高工作效能 100招》等。畢業於科羅拉多大學科羅拉多泉分校。