
隨著1959年達賴喇嘛遠走印度以避難,穹拉惹對仁波切也到達印度,開展了另一段特別的人生旅途。從1960年代迄今,他曾停留在印度、歐洲,最後在美國落腳。 1975年穹拉惹對仁波切在紐約創立了「西藏中心(The Tibet Center)」,成為歐美最知名、歷史最悠久的藏傳佛教格魯派傳承機構。穹拉惹對仁波切的學養豐富、為人謙和,目前每年都會定期回到印度教導格魯派僧眾,也會到世界各國參訪,為傳揚佛法而盡一份心力。


穹拉惹對仁波切的相關資料,請參考 http://www.thetibetcenter.org/

Khyongla Rato Rinpoche is a reincarnate lama and scholar of the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche was born in the Dagyab region of Kham, in southeastern Tibet. In 1928 senior Gelugpa monks divined that a five-year-old boy living in this remote part of Tibet was the reincarnation of the ninth Khyongla. On his sixth birthday monks on horseback took him from his parents home to a monastery some distance away where he was installed as its spiritual head. For over three decades he lived the sober life of a monk, studying at the most famous monasteries in Tibet and earning the Lharampa Geshe degree. In 1959 along with thousands of monks as well as the Dalai Lama, he fled on foot over the Himalayas to safety and to a radically different life in India, Europe and eventually in the United States. In 1975 he founded The Tibet Center, the oldest Tibetan Buddhist Center in New York City, USA.

For more information, please contact:
The Tibet Center
Phone: 212-779-1841 Fax: 212-779-3426 http://www.thetibetcenter.org/
P.O. Box 1873, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10156